Hyunuk Kim
Hyunuk Kim
Global mobility of the recent STEM postdoctoral workforce registered in ORCID
Wallets’ explorations across non-fungible token collections
Understanding the Consumption of Antimicrobial Resistance-Related Content on Social Media: Twitter Analysis
COVID-19 confines recreational gatherings in Seoul to familiar, less crowded, and neighboring urban areas
Data and Misinformation in an Era of Sustainability and Climate Change Crises
Quantifying the topic disparity of scientific articles
COVID-19 Twitter misinformation monitor for fact checkers
Leveraging volunteer fact checking to identify misinformation about COVID-19 in social media
PRISMING: Blockchain for in-kind donations
Horizon scanning in policy research database with a probabilistic topic model
Measuring national capability over big science’s multidisciplinarity: A case study of nuclear fusion research